Weston, Ontario, Canada

Welcome to the joint website of the Weston Historical Society and the
Weston Heritage Conservation District. These two organizations work
together to preserve and protect Weston's history and built heritage.


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CCM hockey puck Wagon John Agar Islington Weston Historical Society school awards 1981 WHS Archives, interior Wilbur Franks Central United as it looked in 1909 Cruickshank Wagon Works Eagle Manor, corner Lawrence & Weston, 1965 Farr Family portrait Memories of Weston Volume I Old Humber Bridge, TO archives Robinson's store Rockcliffe Dairy cart and horse Barter Motors, Ad, Jan 4, 1951 Elizabeth Burr H J Alexander, Miss Campbell Joseph Barker residence Joseph Barker, contractor of first high school, Mr. A. J. Barker home Trustee Joe Barker Vito Antonio Wes Boddington, last mayor of Weston

We would like to acknowledge that this community is situated upon the traditional Indigenous territories that include: the Wendat, Anishinabeg Nation, the Haudenosaunee Confederacy, and the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nations. The treaty was signed for this parcel of land is collectively referred to as the Toronto Purchase and applies to lands east of Brown’s Line to Woodbine Avenue and north towards Newmarket. We also recognise and respect the enduring presence of Indigenous people on this land. Weston is situated on what is commonly known as “The Carrying Place Trail”.

Haudenosaunee         Anishinabeck         Mississaugas         Huron-Wendat

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Web Master: Stephen Foster